Indirect Water Heaters

    • Indirect water heater (calorifier) for a wide range of applications
    • 46 – 156 kW output
    • 300 – 2800 liter capacity

    • Single-wall spiral heat exchanger
    • PermaGlas Ultra Coat second-generation glass coating technology prevents corrosion
    • Insulated ring base for easy installation
    • Insulated access cover for comprehensive waterside maintenance
    • Replaceable magnesium anode
    • Options:
      – Flexible magnesium anode for installation in confined areas
      – Powered anode for reduced maintenance requirements
      – Temperature and pressure valve with stainless steel spring set to 95ยฐC and a maximum water pressure of (7 bar) 700 kPa
      – Analogue temperature gauge (0-120ยฐC)
      – Electric element heat packs (15/30/45/60 kW)

    Sample specification

    The tanks shall be A. O. Smith IT series industrial indirect hot water storage calorifier, model no. _IT_xxxx (300-3000L) or an approved equal. The tank shall be for vertical installation. Vessel shall be constructed to European Pressure Directive for minimum 7 bar working pressure. Vessel shall be glass-lined, have one to three sacrificial magnesium anodes for additional corrosion protection. Entire vessel shall be insulated with 70-100 mm NEODUL insulation with ABS cladding. Heat loss will meet ErP standards. The tank will have the option to install a back-up electric element. A combined temperature and pressure relieve valve will be factory supplied. A factory-installed boiler water/solar heat exchanger will meet the heating requirement.

    CE certification
    ISO 9001
    WRAS certification

    Our range of indirect fired water heaters

    ITS indirect water heater


    ITS indirect water heater


    ITE indirect tank


    HWG water heater


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