- Commercial storage tanks
- Sizes from 140 to 2,500 gallon
- All stock tanks are glass lined with standard tank openings as shown in the spec sheet.
- All tanks are constructed to the requirements of the ASME. ASME code tanks are available in 125 or 150 psi working pressures (125 psi working pressure – standard).
- Entire tank is insulated to meet ASHRAE 90.1 (current edition) depth of insulation cavity requires use of remote bulb-type tank temperature control and thermometer. Storage tanks meet R12.5 minimum thermal insulation requirements of the U.S. Department of Energy and current edition of ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1
- Cabinet. Heavy gauge steel with high quality paint.
- Each lining and coating has particular capabilities and limitations.
- Glass lined (standard) – These are normally stocked tanks for water storage up to 180ยฐF, with glass lining to prevent corrosion and addition of rust to water. The glass lining was developed over many years of ceramic research for a wide variety of conditions.
- Tanks are furnished with anodes designed for maximum protection.
Sample specification
When jacketed or insulated these models meet R12.5 minimum thermal insulation requirements of the U. S. Department of Energy and current edition of ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1. ASME storage tank to be A. O. Smith custom-line model ______________. Capacity to be ___________gallons with a diameter of _______ inches. Tank(s) shall be constructed and stamped according to ASME specification for __________psi working pressure. Manhole (12 X 16), handhole (4×6) or inspection openings (2-2ห) shall be installed in accordance with ASME code requirements and manufacturer(s) standard practice. Tank to be constructed of (carbon steel) _________. Lining shall be (glass, epoxy, cement) ______________. Tank(s) lined with (glass, cement, epoxy) _____________lining shall be equipped with the number and size of magnesium anode rod(s) sufficient to provide adequate protection for the tank lining. Tank shall be (vertical, horizontal) _______________ design and provided with ___________ ring base, (or ____________ saddles.)